The Everyday Witch

Perhaps you know of a witch nearby

The Everyday Witch

The sky closes early now, there is a wind whipped up in the evening and starry yellow leaves stick on darkened wet sidewalks.

It is time for an autumn story.

A Halloween story.

Only, this one is real…

She turns off all the lights in her one-bedroom apartment, turns off the tv and radio, so all the sound there is in the world is the popping of the fire and the sploosh of rain on the window.  Which is left open to invite the moon.

She is a witch.  An Everyday Witch.  Perhaps you know of one yourself.

The Everyday Witch casts spells and boils potions.

Tonight, she throws a clump of dried sage on her fire to scrub the dark forms out of her house.

Then, not satisfied sage is enough, she tosses in a jar of oregano and basil from her cupboard. For good measure.

And what about the ingredients for her potions?  Her incantations, tinctures and cosmic revelings?

A good thesaurus.  Words.  Poems.

By her fire, muttering and sometimes cursing, she creates poetry of permission.

Permission to breath fully, openly, and make motion of things to dark to utter out loud.

The dark forms come to her mind, and the fire shoots up blue, purple, lavendar and orange flowerettes that bloom against her cheek and cause a rush of warmth that reminds her of the days when she was not a witch, but a princess.

Yes, there was once a trailing gown of creamed silk, with the promises of the prince flushing her cheeks and causing imaginings too good to be true.

The prince, upon making  his promises,  quickly turned into a dark form.  Dressed in perfect Ralph Lauren suits and saying all the Right Things in front of his public, but in private, eeking out a terror and malice and doom that only the princess could satiate by rolling over and playing dead.

But she did not play dead for long.

The prince became an ex-husband who abused and threatened, and stole their child away with lies and con artistry, which is possible if you buy the right suit.

And the princess became a witch.  An Everyday Witch…

Back now to the mesmer of the fire and the story of this chilly and  wildly winded night..

Dark forms.  Domestic violence.  Custody con jobs.  Sociopaths. Childhood molestation. Family betrayal. Homeless and sick in spirit and body, mind and heart, turning to drink to abate the frozen fears of the night that never leaves…

But wait…There is a witch, and a witch knows how to handle Dark Forms… The witch casts sage upon the burning wood, and it softens the haunting blows of the past.  She writes her potions as poems and rolls them up into empty beer bottles to cast them upon the future tide. An entire basement full of beer and wine and olive oil bottles with scrolls of potions poems inside.

There are potions of.. what?  Did the author say, ‘permission’?

Permission to reject what your family told you about yourself all those years ago.

Permission to be free from the traps of the Ralph Lauren Sociopaths.

Permission to give life out of the ashes of unbearable loss.

Permission to not only duck a bully, but run and run to pastures that only you can harvest.

Permission to sell your talent, not your body, to buy seeds that grow the imagination and skills of young persons.

Permission to walk away with dignified presence.

Permission to keep yourself for yourself.

Permission to start again, and again, and again.

Permission to watch words become reality, and fires glow and tender your most dear loves and ambitions with the fruits of your pain and with granulated grace.

So, this Halloween, when you spot an open window, and catch a wiff of a cedar and sage burning fireplace, stop and look into it. If it is a true witch sitting there, she will not mind, but welcome you in.

The dance of the flames, the dance of the living with all its perils, and the dance of words.

Listen to the mutterings and incantations and rhythm of the poetry of life coming into its own.

You might need permission someday, too.


Conspiring Magic

In my studio, with hovering Muse, a story of magic is writ...


It’s true. A conspiracy is being hatched, right this very minute.  Quick, get out the thesaurus — the paper kind — and put a swig of Monty’s water bowl water into the coffee. It’s time.


My Muse, Monty Dog, has been consulted...

Time to write about the great conspiracy to commit magic.  An escape map is being drawn up this very minute. Cerebellum is fully charged, and we are on our way. Hold tight. Heidi D. Hansen c2012

Introducing Mrs. Kitchett’s Guide To Youthening: Spells, Incantations and Concoctions for Every Growing Younger Occasion

Okay I know that is a long title. But it’s a big concept and I promise I will leave room on the cover for an illustration.

It comes from Madeline, the white Persian who perches by the fireplace and is so old she doesn’t even twitch when I bring in a sack of groceries with fresh fish from Hemp Help Organic Market.

She is the oldest cat in the cabin, but her fur, posture and sleek elegant manners seem to youthen with every passing year. Heavens, she’s been here for as long as I can remember Uncle Dave letting us stay at the cabin on summer breaks. And now she looks younger than she did back then.

Having a long – distance son on dial tone zero takes a toll on a person. It has aged me before my time.

But perhaps someday in the near future there will be grandchildren and I’ll be their free babysitter on call on odd days and nights when my son and the baby’s mother will want to dash an escape to their own younger years.

And I’ve got to be in shape to catch scooting toddlers and remain centered during bouts of colic.

And so Madeline, who doesn’t rush to the bowl of cream like the other cats do, full of pushing and mewing, has given me an idea for a book.

And I shall write it in the cabin.

Mrs. Kitchett’s Guide to Youthening: Spells, Incantations and Concoctions for every Growing Younger Occasion.

It is about magic. The magic of becoming a new self, a fresh and wonderful self free to live as big as life promises to be, and once again, the magic of believing those promises.

Thank you, Madeline. I do believe I have something to write about. Just let me fix you a plate of fresh fish first. I’ll bring it over in a second.

Secret Of The Springs

Secret Of The Springs Story For My Son

Where were the wizards and fairies when you really need them? Their magic needed to be summoned up while my son and I looked for a place in the woods to sleep.  Someone to watch out for us, someone to drop gold coins by our sleeping bags in the morning and make hot cocoa magically appear when the fog rolled in through the trees. It is one thing to wish for magic, it is another to have the power to create it and give it shape, form and motion with pictures and words. Writing and art. Got us through.

Sketch for When Fairies Fail

So I made up stories for my son, about being homeless and camping in the cold and sneaking in to live in a storage garage.  We needed magic, and none was to be had so I created some.  Secret of The Springs was one of the stories I wrote for him.  About running from abusive stalkers who are your family, the financial cascade of broke-on-broke, of trying to get hot food for him and do homework on storage boxes.

I use my son's old school notebooks to sketch in

Today I am creating another painting, for Whole Foods and SHARE to be auctioned at their Taste of Thanksgiving fundraiser on Nov 10 (right around the corner).  It is called, “When Fairies Fail,” and is about finding a feast in a storage garage. It is in honor of homeless children.
Because sometimes the tooth fairy can’t afford a molar and the easter bunny doesn’t know what campsite you are hiding in tonight…
Please join us on Nov. 10 to bid on these two paintings — there are homeless children needing your magic tonight!