Claim Your Enso

For domestic violence survivors, there is a little Soho gallery with a big message: No Toxic!

Claim your enso! The zen circle of enlightenment, that is in each of us,  finding  our center and parameter free of toxic sabotage.

This little gallery represents safety and an abundance of creativity and freedom to find your own enso.

In your enso, you get to say who you are. What your abusers and toxic relations tell you about your identity and definition is rejected. You are safe from others’ claim to your identity.

Free yourself of the rigid thinking and expectations of narcissistic controllers.  You don’t belong in their box.

Abuse and fear once controlled us. If we did not follow the thin line of obedience to the person who held the keys to the Rules, we would lose our security. In this life and in the hereafter. That is the extortion that leads to bondage.

Reject the toxic. No more toxic.

You are expansive and creative by your nature: You are made from a creative universe, you have creativity within you.

Create your own circle. Let that circle morph and become fluid and adventurous.  Let that circle be your boundary of exclusion to others who would want to destroy it to gain personal power over you.

Express your enso. In your language, your mannerisms, what you bite your tongue over, what freedoms you allow others. Suspending judgement and ego for the greater freedoms of curiosity and sharing a timeline together.

No! Toxic is a campaign for survivors of domestic violence to find safe ways of rejecting their abusers, controllers, manipulators, and to find the personal liberation in expressing and sharing the Self in meaningful ways.

Domestic violence is the behavior that threatens your security in your own home and private life.  It doesn’t have to be a partner or spouse. It can be a religion, a biased community, a de-humanizing work experience that suffocates your freedom at home.

I know who the toxic individuals and organizations are on my list. Do you know yours?

Do you want support and encouragement and practical skills to free yourself and find your enso?

Comment, and write to me.

This little Soho gallery, and it’s enso showing, is for you.

Heidi D. Hansen, M.A.